Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs

Today, I found out that there is a mother who loves her son very much BUT somehow she do not trust her son because of one mistake that he made. Anyway, how can she loves him while she don't trust him and keep remembering the son's mistake? Is that really a love? I was so sad to hear that and I was really disappointed!

There is a verse in the Bible, saying that "Love keeps no record of wrongs" taken from 1 Corinthians 13:5. This verse came into my mind right after i recalled back the story about the mother. This verse really give me the reassurance and peace after all the disappointment that I had.

I thank God for His awesome and wonderful LOVE. His love for us is perfect! Too perfect until there is no words can really describe His awesomeness LOVE for us. At times when we fail Him or disobey Him, God will forgive us; when we sincerely -with repentance- come to Him to ask for forgiveness. In addition, He will remember our wrongs NO MORE! In other word, He will keeps no record of our wrongs right after He forgives us because of one simple reason; His great LOVE for us.

God's LOVE is simple and no complicated regulations. Let's us learn together on how to love the way like God love us! Amen!


Vida Abigail said...

U are one amazing fella u know...keep writing ur heart out man. =)


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