Sunday, July 26, 2009

Few Final Pages; Part 2 - Children's Church

"Jacky Lai" - My tool box for Children's Church =)

Yesterday, I had a great time worshiping the Lord during children's church at DUMC. It was so awesome! Praise the Lord! I had two sessions of worship on yesterday afternoon; first one was during the prayer meeting for pre-children's church and the second one was during the congregation of the children's church. Well done worship team and all praises and glories to the Lord! And God deserves all the high praises!

"Dear Lord Daddy, thank you for this wonderful ministry and thank you for the opportunity to serve at this wonderful ministry; children's church. Lord, thank you for my children pastor, Pr. Nancy and my ex-children pastor, Pr. Jennifer; thank you for putting both of them into my life to guide me well in this children ministry and helping me to grow to be a leader after Your heart. I also want to thank you for blessing me with a group of great children's leaders who never fail in helping me to grow in You. Thank you also for the children that I met throughout these three years in this ministry; thank you for using them mightily to ministered into my life and to teach me something so precious that known as Child-like-faith! Thank you Lord for all these awesome people and this wonderful journey in children's church. I love you Daddy, In Jesus' name I prayed, Amen!"

My ex-children cell group! These kids are awesome! Miss them very much!

Clowning - another talent that I received from God at Children' Church

Children's Leaders Retreat at Awana, Genting - I received a new tongue from the Lord during this retreat. Praise the Lord!

My second Children's Leaders retreat at OMF Bungalow, Cameron Highlands.

Miss you guys alots! God bless ya!
Cheerio! =)



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