Monday, December 1, 2008

Painting In Modern Way! -Kar Ze-

Last Saturday, it was my first time meeting and knowing this boy name Kar Ze. He is Jefrey’s –my cell member– cousin brother.

He is a smart boy and I really enjoyed being with him. I guess that he likes fish because he likes the fish stickers that I used to decorate on a birthday card. He said that it was a waste to paste the fish sticker there and he said it would be better to give it to him. I remembered that I have some left over fish stickers, so I gave it to him. He wanted the big fish sticker which was not there, so I promised him to get him a new one and will pass it to him on this Wednesday or anytime when I will see him.

Then, we went to Jacey’s –my another cell member– house, he asked Jefrey whether the house got aquarium or not. Therefore, I guess that he likes fish.

He is a bit mischievous but I really enjoyed talking to him and playing with him. He was enjoying the massaging that I did on his leg but not on the shoulder because he felt ticklish!

He got a lot of IQ questions and jokes too. I really enjoyed laughing together with him and everyone also enjoyed seeing him laughing. He can do magic very well too. I was amazed by him.

All praises and glories to Lord that I was given an opportunity to know Kar Ze and had a great and wonderful time with him. I^-^I



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