Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ever Thought Of Being A Radiographer?

"Why are you in this field?" This is the question that people always approach me whenever I said that I am a medical imaging student.

Who is a radiographer? Radiographer is a member of healthcare; professionally trained to take X-ray and to do scanning. Radiographer is not a doctor. Doctor who is specialized in radiography known as Radiologist. So, radiographer and radiologist are two different profession.

Actually, I never thought of being a radiographer. I wanted to be a doctor when I was in secondary school but then I didn't do well during my high school. Then, I wanted to do something on creative side because this is who I am but didn't manage to get into the college because of some loan problem. Then, I remembered that one of my high school teachers recommended me to do radiography although it is not as glamour as doctor -she knew that I want to do medicine-

Doing radiography was my last resort. But I believed that God intended it to be something that good for me! Firstly, He blessed me with the financial to study in this field by sending my aunt to bless me for the registration fees.

It is not bad at all studying in this field. All the experience that I gained and the excitement that I went through was unexplainable -super fun and enjoying- After three clinical attachments that I went -KL General Hospital, Kulim and Malacca- I gained a lot of experiences and most of it was an eye opening experience to me which I can't gain it from books and internet!

Dangerous? Yes, there are some risks to be in this field especially the exposure to radiation and to sickness! But we learn to protect ourselves and the X-ray department is designed in such a way to protect the staffs and patients from unnecessary exposure of radiation.

There are a lot more for me to explore in this field especially next time when I start working as a radiographer!

Really Thank God for everything; for His wonderful blessing and guidance through out the past two years studying in the field. Nothing was easy but it was a worthwhile journey to traveled! I^-^I God bless ya!



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