Thursday, November 20, 2008

Painting In Modern Way! -Children Of The World-

After painting the picture "Japanese and Nur", I was inspired to paint another picture about children. So last night, I use the paint software in computer to paint another picture about children

Praise the Lord; by His wonderful anointing, I painted this picture and I named it; "Children of the World"

Let's us pray together for the children around the world including the children in our own nation -Malaysia- every time when we remember them or whenever they come across your mind or any children that you see around your house, your working place, school, public area and any where! Pray for their salvation and pray that they will experience the Lord as their heavenly father who loves them very much! Pray also that they will experience the hope and peace in the Lord! AMEN! I^-^I

'Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these - Matthew 19:14'

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Painting In Modern Way!

I am at my college computer lab now and nothing to do. So, I am using the paint software on the computer to paint out this picture for my friend; Shakilah -she is sitting next to me- This painting is known as "Japanese and Nur" I^-^I

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do You Make Mistake?

Do you make mistake? Obviously, I think every one of us does 'cause nobody is perfect. I am not a perfect person too. I do make mistakes in my life.

I am very much an impatient guy. I am do have pride in me. I am also easily get agitated when things do not go smoothly; then I will get angry and upset. Every time when I make mistake, I will feel very guilty! I am so not perfect!

But God is patient and He is kind and good. He is perfect; always perfect and He will never make mistakes!

Do you know why that I need to face hardship, challenges and difficulties in my life? Is it because I make mistake in my life? Is it because I am naughty? Obviously, when you did something wrong, you need face the consequences but facing the consequences of my mistake is NOT the answer why I need to face hardship, challenges and difficulties in my life...

"When the way is rough is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete - James 1;3-4 TLB"

Actually the truth is that God is using the hardship and difficulties that I went through to shape my character. God taught me how to be patient and how to be humble. He also taught me how to serve with LOVE.

Pr. Nancy -my mentor- told me not to be discouraged by the hardship that I went through because God want to shape my character so that I can fit into the plan that He had prepared for me!

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand - Psalm 37:23-24 NIV"

I always make mistake because I am not perfect person but I am willingly to learn from my mistake. Please be patient with me ya 'cause God is not done with me yet! I^-^I

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Feet

Last night, my church was having a Worship Celebration together with Pr. Glenn Packiam from New Life Church, Colorado Springs.

Wow, I had great time worshipping the Lord! Jumping, dancing and praising the Lord; it was so awesome! All my friends and my cell members were enjoying themselves worshipping the Lord too. God deserve all the high praises!

During the praising song -I Am Free-, it is a fast song; we all were dancing, jumping, praising and worshipping the Lord! At the same time, I was crying 'cause I was touched by the truth that I am free to dance, I am free to run and I AM FREE. Indeed, it is so true that Jesus had already set me free since the day He died for me on the cross! I was dancing with tears of joy! :'-)

Last night was a blessed night, two of my friends were ministered and refreshed by the Lord! We all were joyfully worshipping the Lord last night with our HAPPY FEET! All praises, honors and glories to our mighty and awesome God! I^-^I

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ever Thought Of Being A Radiographer?

"Why are you in this field?" This is the question that people always approach me whenever I said that I am a medical imaging student.

Who is a radiographer? Radiographer is a member of healthcare; professionally trained to take X-ray and to do scanning. Radiographer is not a doctor. Doctor who is specialized in radiography known as Radiologist. So, radiographer and radiologist are two different profession.

Actually, I never thought of being a radiographer. I wanted to be a doctor when I was in secondary school but then I didn't do well during my high school. Then, I wanted to do something on creative side because this is who I am but didn't manage to get into the college because of some loan problem. Then, I remembered that one of my high school teachers recommended me to do radiography although it is not as glamour as doctor -she knew that I want to do medicine-

Doing radiography was my last resort. But I believed that God intended it to be something that good for me! Firstly, He blessed me with the financial to study in this field by sending my aunt to bless me for the registration fees.

It is not bad at all studying in this field. All the experience that I gained and the excitement that I went through was unexplainable -super fun and enjoying- After three clinical attachments that I went -KL General Hospital, Kulim and Malacca- I gained a lot of experiences and most of it was an eye opening experience to me which I can't gain it from books and internet!

Dangerous? Yes, there are some risks to be in this field especially the exposure to radiation and to sickness! But we learn to protect ourselves and the X-ray department is designed in such a way to protect the staffs and patients from unnecessary exposure of radiation.

There are a lot more for me to explore in this field especially next time when I start working as a radiographer!

Really Thank God for everything; for His wonderful blessing and guidance through out the past two years studying in the field. Nothing was easy but it was a worthwhile journey to traveled! I^-^I God bless ya!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Counting The Wrongs

Last week, I was jokingly with my friend by counting the total of wrong things that she did to me. In addition, her mistakes were not the serious ones; all of it was minor plus accidentally and not on purpose. But because I wanted to joke with her so I just purposely acknowledged her about her wrong things that she did to me and counted one by one in front of her.

Yesterday, again I pin pointed and acknowledged her about the wrong things that she did to me –actually she was not wrong, just I purposely said that she was wrong– and accumulated it with the total that she did last week. Oops… Am I very naughty? Sorry…

From the incident above I was just joking with my friend by counting her mistakes –I was just joking with her and she was aware of it too; both of us were laughing about it–

Through the incident above, even though it was just a joke but it really makes me think and questioning myself; “have I ever count my own mistakes or wrong doings?” Sometimes, especially an imperfect person like who I am, I do count other people’s mistakes and wrong doings but I never really count my own mistakes and wrong doings!

In my opinion, counting other people’s mistakes or wrong doings is the same like judging others. Do we have the right to judge others when we ourselves are not perfect at all? Have you ever count other people’s wrong doings? If yes, let’s us reflect on our mistake or our weakness on this matter. How do we overcome this mistake?

Firstly, come before the Lord and ask God to forgive our sin. Then, repent from it. Remember, with God all things are possible, just surrender ourselves to Him and trust Him that He will set us free from this mistake or sin. Rely on God’s strength –only God’s strength is perfect enough– to help us to overcome this mistake or sin.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. – 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV”

Secondly, remember God’s words from the Bible. God stated very clearly that don’t judge others or else we will be judged!
“Stop judging others and you will not be judged. – Matthew 7:1 NLT”
And this is the consequence too of judging others!

Thirdly, look at one’s strengths and accept one’s weaknesses or mistakes! I have a lot of friends with different behavior, different thinking and different character. And each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses. When I look at their strengths, it really makes me so proud of them and it can also help me to learn to accept their weaknesses. Sometimes, I can even forget about their weaknesses too every time when I look into their strengths.

Is it alright to judge when come to situation that we need to make judgment? When come to situation that we have to make a judgment then we must do so with fairness and integrity! It is written in the Bible:-
“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly – Leviticus 19:15 NIV”

Last but not least, do everything out of LOVE; eventually you will learn how to love others without judging others. And remember only God is capable of judging rightly every time and not us! I^-^I God bless ya!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Greatest Story

I was listening to this song by Avalon, the title is “The Greatest Story” –here’s the lyric goes: your life in Christ can be the greatest story ever told– I like this song so much and the lyric is so meaningful. I agreed with what the lyric is written, indeed our testimonies on how we came to know Jesus and accepted Him as our personal Lord and Saviour, on how Jesus helped us through our difficulty in life, etc. can be very powerful way to inspire and touch life and can be the greatest story ever told!

Last Friday night, I went out yum cha with Denise and Melissa. Wow, we had a great time fellowshipping and praying together for our friends and family.

Hey, Denise and Melissa. I thank God for both of you and thanks for praying for me and my family!

After hearing Denise’s and Melissa’s stories and testimonies on how God have touched their life and how God had bless them, I was so touched and inspired –immediately my fire for God was flaming even more and want to do more for the Lord–

“Let us not give up meeting together; as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another –and all the more as you see the Day approaching. – Hebrews 10:25”

Their life in Christ and everything that God did in their life can be the greatest story ever told; to me it is definitely the greatest story ever told because it is a story that brings inspiration, care, faith, love and hope!

All these greatest stories whether about myself or others; are the inspiration that keeps me writing on this blog –Faith, Love and Hope– and all these stories are from God!
Wondering what is Faith? Looking for unconditional Love? And finding Hope that never fails? All these can be found in the VERY GREATgreater than greatest– story that ever told from 2000 years ago; the story of Jesus Christ! I^-^I Do you want to know more about Him? Feel free to email me at

God bless ya!


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