Thursday, March 12, 2009

M.E. L..A.M.E.?!

Hehe... Am I LAME?! I think I am very LAME! Haha! My cousin sister always say that I am very lame!

I enjoy being lame because it can make people laugh and make people happy!
M - Making
E - 'em (them)

L - Laugh
A - Are
M - My
E- Encouragement!

I am always encourage when people around me are happy! So, I always try to make them happy and make them laugh by being lame with all my lame jokes, lame action and lame words! Haha!

"A cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick." - Proverbs 17:22, TLB

So, when people around me are happy, I am also encourage and be happy at the same time! =) God bless ya!



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