Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am Broke but I am Not Poor!

On Friday early morning, as usual that I was awake since last night, then my spectacles was oily, so I wiped it with t-shirt. This time, I wiped it hard until I spoiled my spectacles... Cut the story short, I went for repairing and eye scanning. They repair my old one -which I wearing now- then, I need to make a new one because the degree of my eyes increase -getting worse; but not very much- it cost me RM350 for a new pair of spectacle. I'm going to be BROKE once I settle the bill -so far, I just paid RM5o as the deposit- ='(

I think I made a mistake for making a new pair of spectacle because I still can see with my old one plus my old one still can wear after repaired. Sigh... I was so sad and upset the whole yesterday! My heart was aching -as usual especially you think you make a mistake plus spending so much money for the mistake- Sigh...

But then, today, God reminded me about Him as a Father who provides and in control of everything. I was so blessed! Last time, God used the dark sky and sunshine to remind me about Him and today, I sensed that again He showed me the same phenomena! Praise the Lord!

Then, I thought, if I am happy that I didn't spend the RM350 and feeling secure of having the RM350, then, this is not good because I putting my trust and hope on the money -something that cannot last and secure me for life-

Then, I thought about God's promises! Am I not more precious than the sparrows? Of course I am more precious than the sparrows; I am heavenly Daddy's little prince. Why I feel sad that I spent on something that is good for my sight and why I worried becoming broke when I have my heavenly Daddy who is looking after me, taking really good care of me and love me unconditionally!

I know, money is something and without it can be very hard but money is not everything; in addition God is my Jehovah Jireh -the Lord provides- AMEN! I am broke, but I am not poor and I am happy! Praise the Lord! =) I love you, Jesus!



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