Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Back... From Bitterness To Sweetness

Drinking 'teh tarik' as I watching the time past and looking forward to a new year; as the minutes turned into hour, a year is gone and a new one is here. Enjoying my 'teh tarik' and looking at fireworks far far away... I never imagined that this was the way I welcomed the New Year 2009.

My 2008 was an unstable year and I didn't set any resolution for 2009 because I was affected by year 2008! But I still thank God for everything; as I reflected on 2008, there were lots of blessing from God. And I don't want to plan any specific resolution for 2009; I just want this year to be the year of family bonding and I want to trust God for a better year of 2009.

Here i go with my...
Bitterness number 1
Early this year -January- my friend broke up with my brother. They supposed to get marry soon but they relationship just didn't work out and finally they broke up! I was affected; very much as if like my own break up -painful, angry, sad and disappointed-

Sweetness number 1

But God is good; every bad circumstances that created by man, God use it for good! Through this incident, my relationship with my brother are closer! Then, I learned about the difference between advising and encouraging -be there to listen as an encouragement to someone and do not be there to advise by telling people what to do- And finally through this incident, I learned that God will never create suffering!

Bitterness number 2

This year started with bitterness... =( This year Chinese New Year was very different to me; more quiet and I didn't feel any excitement of it... Sigh...

Sweetness number 2
Anyway, I had great time of reunion with my cousins, relatives and friends even though it was quiet! Guess what, I spent some quality time with my dad. I had great fellowship with him! It was so cool... He taught me a lesson about family bonding and he told me he is learning from his mistakes. I practiced forgiveness and loving heart towards my dad by loving him more and allow him to make mistakes and give chances for him to learn from his mistakes. And I learned all these from Jesus! Praise the Lord!

Sweetness number 3
Today, my uncle was blessed by God that his operation to remove one part of his colon was successful -anyway my uncle diagnosed with colon cancer- I was really worried at first but then God really filled my heart with His everlasting peace. I don't why I always felt positive about my uncle's condition. I think this is what I called FAITH!

Just now, as I was browsing through the photos of the greeting cards that I made last year and it really inspired me to do it again this year and I got the theme for this year collection, I will call it: Sweets and Cakes! Why? Haha... The reason is simply because everyone love dessert and dessert is sweet. So I pray that my greeting cards will bless people by bringing sweetness to them! ;-P Yummy! Hehe...

Actually, to be bitter or to be sweet; it is up to us to make the choices... Remember that God never create suffering and bitterness! So, why bitter when we can choose to be happy! And Jesus is our everlasting and unfailing HOPE; there is always hope when there is Jesus in us!

Wishing you all a Blessed Sweet Sweet Year Ahead! God bless! =)



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