Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blessed Dinner at Jogoya!

Last night, my aunt brought her whole family, my cousin brother and I to Jogoya to have dinner there. Wow, it was so nice and blessed! Jogoya is the Japanese buffet located at Starhill. The meaning of Jogoya is (I found this information behind the tissue paper packet):-
Jo - a supreme place
Go - the palace live by the king
Ya - a shop

As I walked in into the shop, I saw a lot of foods, then I said to my cousin sister, "We're going to eat until we cry!" HAHAHA...

First round, I ate sushi... then followed by other foods; ice-cream, kuih-muih, cake, sup, etc for few rounds until I was full.

The proper way to eat buffet is to take little by little... Then only you can eat all types of foods.

I was so full, my stomach like going to burst last night... HAHAHA...


sara leong said...

you went jogoya?!?!?!? booo... i want to go there like so so so badly! =( hmph! heh..


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