Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ministered by children =)

Today is the Relationship Day at DUMC Children Church. I was really happy spending time with my children in my Cell group - Playing with them, talking with them and pray with them.

I was ministered by them today. Last few days, I was kinda down and felt a little not so comfort in my heart and also didn't sense the peace in my heart. But today, seeing them so happy, enjoying eating the bread together and all their smiles and laughters on their faces really gave me the peace.

And I believed that today, God used the children to ministered into my life by giving me peace and comfort! =)

After Children Church, I was so calm and peaceful down deep inside my heart... Right now, I am so calm typing this post and very relax... =)
This Orchid is one of my children gave it to me... My heart was melted! =) Thank God for the healing through the wonderful children! All praise and glory to the Lord!


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